If you move to Luxembourg you may have already found leaflets of locale stores like Cactus, Cora or Action in your mailbox. While this kind of advertising is very popular in Luxembourg a lot of people are annoyed from it and it generates tons of waste every year. To reduce waste Luxembourgish government decided to put a law into place which shall reduce the amount of unwanted leaflets. While in the past it was necessary to opt-out from this kind of advertising in the future citiziens would need to opt-in. This opt-in means, that from 2024 compnies may only put those leaflets in your inbox if you gave your constent for it. You can do this by putting a “Qui Pub” sticker on your mailbox. If you want to reduce waste but you still want to get the latest promotions from locale stores you can use the tool Woodee. The tool contains all those folders that usually went to your mailbox in a digial version either on their website or on their App (available for iOS and Android). The tool is available in English, French, Portugese and German.
Woodee actually is not the only provider for online folders in Luxembourg – as an alternative you can also check: